Food in times of the Corona Virus

At present, there is no cure for the virus except self-care. Below is the list of foods that will help you build your immune system. It is a personal opinion, not medical. I have personally healed my daughter’s tooth decay by diet, not by surgery, as many dentists recommended. That’s how I started my Ph.D. worth of research on food, tooth decay, building the immune system, or any health issues that come up in our family.

Food is his Destiny. Vinai is his home.

Some people are born to delight others with their presence and their food. Chef Yia Vang is one of them. When you meet him, you will know what I mean. His friends and supporters describe him as someone who commands respect with love and humility. He is serious about his food and his tribe. His…

Ten delicious things of the last decade

In a week, my oldest daughter turns 11. So the list below documents my culinary experiences of my journey being a mother, caretaker, and suddenly responsible for a life. She was born in Denver, and before settling down on the hills of Stillwater, MN by the mighty St. Croix River we ventured to Los Angeles…

An Immigrant’s Christmas Dinner

To me, Christmas is a universal holiday. Growing up, my mom would put up a small Christmas tree in Nepal, and my father would take us to a very fancy restaurant to celebrate the holiday that we as Nepalis had no association religiously or culturally. In Nepal, Christmas is another holiday to celebrate, and Nepalis…

How to nourish your soul when you lose somebody?

This month tragedy struck our lives. We have had painful losses. None of us are immune from it. My girls also lost their one and only favorite great-grandma. It’s their first experience losing someone close to them, and they described it as very tragic. They are very, very sad. We are a very close-knit family,…

After Back-to-School Woes: What to feed my kids?

We have all sent our perfectly imperfect kids to school. Praying and hoping that they will have a great year. They will learn something new. They will make great new friends. They won’t get bullied. They will eat their lunches. They will make safe and healthy choices. They won’t get shot at school.  All these…

Mind what goes in and out of your mouth.

Be mindful. It’s imperative to healthy living. Don’t put junk into your mouth. Don’t spit out junk out of your mouth. You might regret it. Because you can’t take back anything. I learned it the hard way. I have hurt people’s feelings carelessly.  I have hurt myself. So it is my personal philosophy in life….

How to be a perfect mother while making a perfect cocktail?

If you are reading this, you are a perfect mom or a dad. P.S. I use the word mom loosely so it involves dads, step-moms or dads, foster parents, grandparents who dutifully tend to their kids. Signs of a perfect mom House is a mess (even though you’ve just cleaned up the night before). Haven’t…

If life gives you lemons. Make sauce.

I’ve been thinking a lot about sauces. I have been paying the attention it deserves in my kitchen. To me, most food without sauce is not exciting.  What’s pasta without its sauce. Dumplings without its dipping. Biscuit without its gravy. You get the idea. It’s bland. Right? The sauce makes your food complete. So make…